

The name webzine comes from the synergy of two words: Web — an abbreviation for the World Wide Web, which provides access to sites via the Internet protocol; Zine an abbreviation of the word magazine. Usually zines are called small self-published magazines, which are published in tiny editions by print enthusiasts.

Also Zin are the first three letters of my last name.

Actually, the name webzine reflects the purpose of the site completely — to be a small, personal magazine on the web.

But why so odd?

webzine was created under the impression of indieweb communities, their philosophy, view of the modern web and, of course, other indie websites. (approx. — add more text here, otherwise it looks kind of sad.)

What's under the hood?

Everything is very basic, but there are several quality of life features that allow me not to suffer when working and updating the site.

  • HTML - duh, obviously
  • Markdown - storing content is important, so everything that is possible in .md
  • Javascript — currently used for the most part only for building the site
  • Cube CSS - CSS-methodology by Andy Bell
  • SCSS - when you are too lazy to write pure CSS
  • Lume - Static Site Generator (SSG) for Deno, created by Óscar Otero
  • Vento - template engine, similar to nunjucks and mustache, from the creator of Lume
  • Deno - NodeJS and so in everywhere, trying something new here
  • Flexoki Color Palette - color palette from Steph Ango
  • Alagard — Title font (for the logo)
  • IBM Plex — Main font